What I learned from going solo to EDC Mexico

•here’s some tips I learned from my first edc Mexico

  • Gate 15 should be the way u enter and exit. I showed up at 5pm and took me max 10 min to enter and 20 to exit
  • Arrive early the first day(Friday) I showed up at 3:45 and it was great I legit could get on any of the rides and not wait long same with everything it allows to explore everything and not having any long wait times
  • go the first day sober. This one is great because u get the idea of how things are and day two you’ll be more aware of what goes on
  • Buy enough water and alcohol before if u plan on camping at front of the crowd the whole day.
  • Everyone says this but don’t be an asshole. Say excuse me and thanks and everyone will appreciate it
  • It’s so easy to get to the rails without being that asshole that squeezes thru people. I got there at 5pm Saturday and Sunday and was able to be at the rails for kinetic and circuit grounds
  • Wear a fitness tracker. This one is for stat nerds like me but I like looking back and seeing that i got 30,000 steps on this day
  • Don’t stay close to the area of the festival. I know people say you should just u can walk back home but I am telling you there’s so many nice Airbnb’s that are not expensive
  • If you have too and don’t mind paying an extra hundred pesos just take the taxi back home. If uber is taking too long and you’re just tired just take the taxi, def talk to the guy first and settle on a price before taking it and even haggle a little.
  • UNDERRATED one but STRECH before and after man your legs will thank you
  • Experience a show at bionic jungle, this stage is so underrated and if ure one the people who says no dances well here everybody does and the VIBES man *Man it’s great being able to walk around not waiting for anybody and doing whatever you want on your schedule.
  • Don’t come with the wrong mindset. Dance,jump,sing, vibe with others and you’ll have a great time.
  • Lastly “JUST DO IT” buy that ticket, don’t be scared to go by yourself

These are the things I could think of apart from what everyone always mentions like making sure to eat and hidrate yourself, bring a power bank, wearing comfortable shoes etc. hope it helps some of you. I am def going next year so let me know if want to link up and I’ll start a group chat to help other first timers