Withdrawal Questions
The problem: We learned from staff at our current daycare that management & franchise ownership is awful to them. Most of the senior people have left. (Daycare's been open for only 5 months.) And, there are two active investigations for child abuse of a toddler and covering it up.
I want to pull our son with 7 days left in the month but the director told another parent they require 30-day notice. However, this is not written anywhere in our contract or the parent's handbook. This is what it says:
If you find it necessary to withdraw your child for any reason, you must submit a written notice to the School Leadership Team prior to the withdrawal date. The written notice must include this information:
• Date of submission of the notice
• Last date child will attend
• Reason for withdrawal
Note: All tuition and related classroom fees are due and payable for the notice period.
After you provide a written notice of withdrawal, or your child is absent for two consecutive weeks with no notice, the School Leadership Team will proceed to fill the child’s classroom space. To re-enroll, you will need to pay any applicable re-enrollment fees. Re-enrollment is contingent on available space.
Note: No portion of paid or outstanding tuition fees are refunded or credited in the event of withdrawal.
My questions: From your experiences, can the director enforce this 30-day requirement without that language printed? What is a notice period?