Homebrew item I made, the staff of cancerous life. Tell me what you think!

Staff of Cancerous Life

weapon(quarterstaff), very rare (requires attunement by a creature with a spellcasting or pact magic feature)

This staff can be wielded as an arcane focus that grants a +2 to spell attack and damage rolls made with it as a focus. Additionally it grants the wielder the following features:

Necrotic Affinity - When the wielder casts a spell that deals necrotic damage and uses this staff as the focus, they may add their spellcasting ability modifier necrotic damage to the total

Cancerous Blubber - Twice per day the wielder may cast second level False Life on themself without the use of a spell slot or material components. This property resets daily at dusk.

Flesh Wall - Twice per day the wielder may use an action to create a fleshy wall that is up to 1 foot thick, 15 feet long, and 20 feet high. Alternatively they may choose to make the wall a ring with a diameter equal to or lower than 10 feet. This property resets daily at dusk.

Cancerous Blight - Once per day the wielder may cast fifth level Blight without the use of a spell slot or material components. This property resets daily at dusk.

Curse: The Staff of Cancerous Life is a cursed weapon that afflicts the wielder. The first time the wielder rolls a natural 1 each day on spell attack rolls made with the staff as a focus or with the staff itself they must make a DC 15 CON save. On a success nothing happens, on a failure roll 1d8 and consult the table below.


1: Make a DC 18 CON save. On a failure you’re consumed by the staff and can only be brought back by the means of Wish or True Resurrection


2: You take 15d8 necrotic damage


3: You take a penalty of 1d4 to all ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls you make for the next 24 hours


4: Make a DC 14 CON save. On a failure you become fused to the staff and cannot drop it nor be disarmed of it. This can be cured by Greater Restoration and similar or more powerful magic


5: Make a DC 14 CHA saving throw. On a failure you become convinced you need to spread the staffs cancer. This can be cured by Lesser Restoration and similar or more powerful magic


6: You take 5d8 necrotic damage


7: You are put under the effects of the Bane spell


8: You take a penalty of 1d4 to the next one ability check, saving throw, or attack roll you make

I'm specifically looking for feedback on balancing. Mainly relating to the curse and whether it fits within bounds of a very rare item.