Ursa Shard and Jugg Aghs need to revamp sound
has anyone has this problem. when the enemy team has Ursa buying shards or juggernaut aghs. when in the heat of teamfight you dont really sure whether these 2 actually use their ult or their other pseudo ult.
like i understand you can see ursa 1st skill associated with his shard, but youre not sure whether hes actually using his ult along with 1st skill to extend the buff or just not. i get it you can see it. but in the heat of battle you have other things to prioritise. and its not helping that both sound the same. i dont want to play the guessing game whether this is the right time to jump ursa or not. and wonder should i tank this slash from jugg or use the ghost scepter now. wondering he used which.
the frustrating part is they both sound the same. a moment could decide the game winning move its insanely frustrating when you lose and have to play the guessing game.
idk if anyone other than me notice this, but damn i wish i use that ghost scepter instead of tanking. thinking it was swift slash but actually his full ult and feeling bad afterwards.
again, i understand you can see its jump slash duration and ursa associate with 1st skill. but i have other things to take account in a teamfight. they should have a distinctive sound to seaparate both pseudo and true ult. imo.