Large dogs are too dangerous to be around smaller people and kids
I am surprised that this is not mentioned more how dogs are not being banned like guns or many types of guns are in many nations.
A gun is not alive it is an inanimate object. Regardless of your stance on guns we have to admit it has no mind of its own and does not randomly snap like dogs do. Large dogs can cause immense damage and I notice from this subreddit it is usually women and children who are most harmed and impacted by dog attacks. It got me thinking about why how dogs prey on weaker targets. A large grown man let alone a man who is NFL sized is unlikely to be mauled it seems unless it is a pack of dogs.
So on that topic large dogs are a threat to the most vulnerable humans of society and they are a security threat.
large dog breeds need to be banned except for police work. At a minimum owning a large dog or medium breed should be as difficult as getting a gun in most countries that are not the US.