DAE feel like "the weird kid" no matter where they go?

i've (17f) always wondered why no matter wherever i go, the "weird kids" always get attached to me. i realized its because i'm still the weird kid.

i can sense the vibes when i don't fit in in a group. it feels like a tension i add to when i speak. i don't seem to talk like other girls or even other teens.

in class, i raise my hand too much. i point out pretty skies or birds or favorite songs. i feel so..not nonchalant. its like after 6th grade everyone collectively decided to always play it cool.

my mom points out how i walk too stiffly, or how i nod my head too much in conversation. some people treat me like a kid; they patronize me. when i asked a friend how to not come off as sheltered, she told me i tend to be "too expressive" and my voice is sing-songy.

i used to be happy with myself..but now I'm not. i feel so out of place everywhere i go and i feel like I'm forever destined to be "the weird kid".