Trying out trials for the first time sucks

I’m a (somewhat) new player. I started playing mid way through the season of the wish and have been playing pretty much since then. I avoided pvp because obviously I’d be awful at it because I barely understood the game.

I decide to try it this week to try to get the new rocket launcher, did my comp placements and went alright-ish. Tried trials and holy shit people are so toxic. A guy literally spam’s messages ever single second if we lose a round. I was already struggling with the massive jump in difficulty between comp vs trials and this guy did not help lol. Got 2 games in a row with him (my first 2 games) and my gameplay just got worse and worse because he kept tying away.

TLDR: Is trials weapons worth the brain damage and how do I get better because I genuinely felt bad after the guy kept insulting me because I’d be ruining his experience too.

Edit: just for context - I’ve played fps for many years and have very good rolls of the important/commonly used weapons, like edge transit and what not. I’m just curious to know how to get good at destiny pvp specifically