Why Blackhat Vs The Warden Is Perfect.

Why Blackhat Vs Warden is Perfect.

Personally, this is generally the perfect matchup in my opinion, and I’ll be explaining why:

Blackhat Vs The Warden is a generally Brillaint matchup, which, can have unlimited potential with how you do it. The animation and ideas for this matchup are quite literally endless. The amount of shapeshifting into Eldritch or silly creatures. You can have so many different power, or ability meshes with each other sounds so entertaining. Not to mention, how flawlessly the tone is. This elderitch, dark creature that is the spawn of all villainy and evil vs This shapeshifting prison warden that is chaos incarnate. (Unrelated, I also like despite Villainous being a “kids” to show, it being compared and meshed together with something as wacky, and brutal as Superjail says… a lot about Blackhat.) Adding onto the fight potential, their arsenals and army’s, powers and equipment bounce off each other fluently is amazing. Oh yeah. This can be an army battle, do I REALLY need to say more than that?

Anywho, next is analysis potential. Superjail, being fucking analysed in the show would be absolutely bonkers and hilarious. Likewise with Villainous. There’s also, weird potential in the analysis to have Flug, and Demencia come in and talk about their own boss to, considering it’s what they DID in the orientation videos aswell. There’s also the fact Warden could just, intrude on Wiz And Boomstick, analysing him and his issues. Yeah.

Don’t, get me started on the banter. The banter for this is probably one of the best I’ve seen, ever tbh. I’ve always loved Villainous, and how Blackhat, despite being this Lord of evil, as a verrryyy short temper, especially around incompetent people or annoyances. Now, IMAGINE THE WARDEN, WHO IS A UNSUFFERABLE MANCHILD AROUND HIM. Gritty, Gruesome fella vs Silly Murderous fella. Yep! There’s also interaction potential for the army’s to. Flug And Jared, Alice and Demencia, And 5.0.5 And Jailbot either bickering, taking jabs at each other, or just, sympathising with each other. (Morse so Jailbot And 505.)

Now, personally, I think the music could be pretty neat. While I think it’s probably the weakest part of this “””””perfect””””” matchup, it can still go pretty hard.

Why Blackhat Vs Warden is Perfect.

Personally, this is generally the perfect matchup in my opinion, and I’ll be explaining why:

Blackhat Vs The Warden is a generally Brillaint matchup, which, can have unlimited potential with how you do it. The animation and ideas for this matchup are quite literally endless. The amount of shapeshifting into Eldritch or silly creatures. You can have so many different power, or ability meshes with each other sounds so entertaining. Not to mention, how flawlessly the tone is. This elderitch, dark creature that is the spawn of all villainy and evil vs This shapeshifting prison warden that is chaos incarnate. (Unrelated, I also like despite Villainous being a “kids” to show, it being compared and meshed together with something as wacky, and brutal as Superjail says… a lot about Blackhat.) Adding onto the fight potential, their arsenals and army’s, powers and equipment bounce off each other fluently is amazing. Oh yeah. This can be an army battle, do I REALLY need to say more than that?

Anywho, next is analysis potential. Superjail, being fucking analysed in the show would be absolutely bonkers and hilarious. Likewise with Villainous. There’s also, weird potential in the analysis to have Flug, and Demencia come in and talk about their own boss to, considering it’s what they DID in the orientation videos aswell. There’s also the fact Warden could just, intrude on Wiz And Boomstick, analysing him and his issues. Yeah.

Don’t, get me started on the banter. The banter for this is probably one of the best I’ve seen, ever tbh. I’ve always loved Villainous, and how Blackhat, despite being this Lord of evil, as a verrryyy short temper, especially around incompetent people or annoyances. Now, IMAGINE THE WARDEN, WHO IS A UNSUFFERABLE MANCHILD AROUND HIM. Gritty, Gruesome fella vs Silly Murderous fella. Yep! There’s also interaction potential for the army’s to. Flug And Jared, Alice and Demencia, And 5.0.5 And Jailbot either bickering, taking jabs at each other, or just, sympathising with each other. (Morse so Jailbot And 505.)

Now, personally, I think the music could be pretty neat. While I think it’s probably the weakest part of this “””””perfect””””” matchup, it can still go pretty hard.