Leaving the USA and no DACA

Hey guys,

So Im leaving the USA without DACA (initial applicant) and with my Mexican passport in 2 months to Belgium and I'm taking connecting flights under the same company. I'm scared that I'll get stopped by CBP or TSA or whoever really (I've never flown) at my first checkpoint in the USA to get interrogated about my not legal immigration status. So I read this article here that says that it's a 50/50 and that they'll make you sign a form that says you're banned for 10 years( I'm aware that this is the 10 year bad). But shouldn't THAT be not legal to "force" people to do that ?? I just want to know if I'll be able to board my flight without getting pulled aside since I'm not leaving the country alone I'm going with my Belgian partner and I also don't really want to go to jail. I'm panicking a little since I believed that most people did this without a problem the coming back part was the issue. Does anyone have any experience?

Thanks for reading my kinda ranty and panicky post. 🩶