I'm tired boss

Sorry but this is mostly rant. I'm so angry about how everywhere corn is. I learned that I'm intolerant to corn. It took me so much time, because my only symptoms are crazy muscle, skin and joint pain, brain fog, anxiety, mood disorder that easily make me bed ridden for two weeks. Only these, and no "typical" allergy symptoms. I get them from corn and it's huge amount of derivatives. Even a tiny tiny amount sends me to a couple week hell ride. By the time I understood what is the cause I started to get symptoms from rice too. I learned that if you keep being exposed then you get cross reactions to similar stuff like rice. It seems that it also creates histamine intolerance. I'm stuck with very few foods. Forget about eating outside, forget about most store products, forget about social life, just keep calm and suffer. What the hell is this shit!? Its unbelievable how difficult to avoid corn in our world. Everything is contaminated with this shit. I would rather prefer to have gluten, lactose and seafood intolerance at the same time than this bullshit! Doctors can't do shit besides "jUsT AvOiD CorN". Yeah good luck with that.