[Recruiting] Misfits Excess (third & lowest of the family org) | #2RR2P9YP2 | Th13+ | CWL assistance (Crystal iii) |

Hello! We're currently recruiting specifically for CWL in our lowest clan, Misfits Excess, part of the Misfits family clan org. In approximately 16 hours, we’ll begin searching and are looking for a few additional members to round out our 30-member roster for Crystal iii. If you join you'll be guaranteed an active roster spot for the full 7 days as long as you attack (we will be closing the clan after we have an active roster of 30)

We’re competitive but maintain a laid back atmosphere. We’re on a 12 war win streak. Our other clans are more competitive and maintain a a win rate above 80%. We use this clan solely for CWL and wars with heros down.

Come help us out—you might even find yourself wanting to stick around! Link below:

Please note you came from Reddit when joining
