Can you soft reset multiple Citra instances?

- Device: PC
- Specs: AMD Ryzen 5 5600G with Radeon Graphics
- OS: Windows 11
- Citra or fork version: Nightly 2104

So I managed to create multiple instances of Citra to soft reset legendaries in USUM.

Pressing buttons works as intended. I can press A to get past the title screen, and tilt the control stick to go forward. No problem here, everything is synced between instances.

However, soft resetting itself is what I'm currently struggling with. I can press L + R + (-) just fine, but it's three buttons at once and I'm trying to streamline it to one button. I binded "reset emulator" to Ctrl+R, but keyboard controls only work on one instance at a time. Meanwhile, binding them to R trigger via Steam Input just doesn't work entirely, even when I mapped the "L + R + (-)" version (I guess Citra isn't a game that supports Steam Input gamepad command).

Is there any other method I can use?