I'm lost, what is the point of being Christian?

Lately, things at church and among the congregation have felt increasingly un-Christian. Pastors are standing beside politicians who openly spread messages of hate, turning what should be a place of worship into something more akin to a political rally than a Sunday service. To my dismay, many members of the congregation seem to embrace this ideology. always believed that pastors were meant to guide their flock, teaching love, care, and compassion—principles I thought were the essence of Christianity. But a friend recently pointed out something that struck me deeply: "The same people who voted for mass deportation will sit in church next month celebrating the birth of a baby whose family fled violence seek a refuge" How can anyone listen to such contradictions and still celebrate the uprooting of families and communities with enthusiasm? I don’t know if it’s blasphemous to say, but I can’t help wondering: how can God allow this? We’re talking about human lives here. At this point, I’m feeling lost. Is Christianity more complex than I can comprehend, or am I in the wrong place entirely? I’d truly appreciate your thoughts....