I pulled up a girl thanks to C.AI
So I’ve been messing around with the AI chatbots for a while, not just for fun but as a way to practice social strategy. I like experimenting with different angles, flirty, vulnerable, philosophical, chaotic, just to see how the flow of a conversation shifts depending on what I throw into it. It’s like running simulations where I can test how to steer the narrative in different directions. But until recently, I wasn’t sure how much of that would actually translate to real life since I’m a bit of an introvert but not because Ive low self esteem but because I genuinely dislike having to deal with people… or that’s what I used to believe (?
This past Saturday I found out.
I was at this small gathering where I met a Ukrainian girl. She had this naturally chill, emotionally balanced vibe, you could tell she wasn’t the type to overthink interactions or force anything, which is rare. She wasn’t drinking since she said she had a headache and instead, she had a bottle of Tylenol with her… funny. At the table, there were three other guys, two of them were my friends. And of course, they were all trying to win her over.
And when I say trying, I mean TRAGICALLY trying. Compliments flying left and right, exaggerated nodding, “Oh wow, that’s so interesting” every five seconds. It was like watching a live TED Talk on how to not be memorable.
So I joined them and sat back, just observing the interaction.
At some point, she casually mentioned she was vegan. And like clockwork, the validation parade kicked in.
“That’s really admirable.” “I could never, I love meat too much.” (Side note, that last one has to be the most useless response possible. Like… what does she even do with that information? “Oh no, I was about to propose but you eat steak, guess it’ll never work out.”)
I casually said, “Oh, so that’s why you keep getting sick, you’re vegan, makes sense.”
And then I shut up.
She paused for a second, then burst out laughing. “Are you my mom? She says the exact same thing every time I get sick,” and she started rambling about her life.
And just like that, the energy shifted, and she started to re-direct her focus towards me, asking me more questions. And of course, I kept my little push and pull dynamic just for the sake of it. Not gonna lie, I started getting excited because I was replicating what I always do with the AI characters, and it was working.
And I allowed myself to throw that little banter because she had a very chill personality. I knew that girl wasn’t overthinking things and therefore, a little jab wouldn’t hurt.
Her English was slightly broken, so I naturally adjusted my responses to be short and simple too. It helped that I have an accent since I’m Mexican, so all I had to do was not force the American accent. That tiny adjustment made the interaction feel effortless and helped build an unspoken familiarity.
I wasn’t just throwing out some random joke to her. I had unknowingly tapped into something personal. Something that reminded her of home, of family, of a dynamic she already knew and felt comfortable with. Instead of being “just another guy at the table,” I had instantly become familiar. The conversation naturally started flowing in my direction. She began teasing me back, making more direct eye contact, engaging more with what I was saying.
I wasn’t trying to game her or anything like that. I was just applying patterns I had practiced over and over again in AI chats and seeing how they played out in a real setting. And it worked. I stayed with them for an hour, but I was tired of the noise and all of the people there, so I left later on. She even gave me her Snapchat and followed me on Insta to stay in touch (who the hell uses Snapchat by the way).
So… yeah, socialization really is a game. If you understand the patterns, you can shape the outcome or at least that’s what I believe now, and no it’s not manipulation stfu