Upper Cervical Misalignment

Is anyone able to help me temporarily self diagnose what ‘type’ of misalignment is going on here? Unfortunately, the Dr that that had gotten far enough to take me seriously enough to get these x-rays and diagnose cervical instability and misalignment was leaving her practice immediately after. She had referred me to an orthopedic who dismissed it saying I needed a neurosurgeon, he did not complete the required tasked prior to the referral before he also quit to leave the country.

I was then on a long wait list for a new Dr who then wanted to start completely over from scratch. Eventually, she finished what the orthopedic didn’t but didn’t give him accurate information so he turned me away advising me to keep sing my primary dr. I gave up on her as she stated that she only wanted to practice herbal care…. I waited on another wait list for another Dr and here we are, starting over again.

Meanwhile I’m in so much pain, I pass out, I fall, I have seizures, I can’t feel 1/2 of my body etc. That is an extremely small list of my symptoms the past 6 years. I have not been able to work for 2 of them and can’t get disability because I can’t get anywhere medically with the turnover and incompetence.

Is anyone able to assist me with what ‘type’ of misalignment is going on here so that I’m best able to self treat myself via stretches etc?

I’m a single mother of have 3 kids, I need to be able to do at least the basic survivals in life.