Just started the series and I absolutely love it.

I'm currently on Series 3, Episode 4, and I'm enjoying it. My current favourites are Chummy and Trixie, but I love Jane and Cynthia. I feel like they don't get enough love. Jane was so empathetic and sweet, especially regarding Sister Monica Joan. Cynthia is so sweet, and I love her advice to the nun about experiencing the pain and joy with the mothers as they give birth instead of thinking too hard. I like the entire cast, but the Midwives are just so lovely.

I quite like Sister Evangelina and Sister Julienne, too. The moment in Series 3, episode 3, when Sister Julienne helps Stella get her baby back and has a job to go to where she's safe, made me openly cheer. To be honest, I never expected nuns to be funny or empathetic. My knowledge about them is very much centred on what I learnt at school and stuff like Philomeena.