Vehicles fr need any kind of nerf.
Your ability to win a game should NOT depend if you are in a vehicle or not. 5 games, almost in a row, where I end up in the top 5 and would just get run over by a truck or a Jeep with absolutely no cover or way to jump out of it's path. Can't shoot him out of the driver seat bc there seems to be some sort of magic screw you armor on the driver, even if you Lang plenty of shots to kill the guy. Even then, God forbid that car got momentum before you took him out your still dead ad it can still 1 tap even though it's slower than my dead grandma. I know im going to get lash from all those quite obviously "better than you" people so here's a few counter arguments before they start: "Just shoot them out. Not hard to aim." I have clips a plenty showing drivers take well than enough shots (10+) from an oden that should down/kill in 5-6. "Just jump/ move out of the way" a magical thing called a vehicles ability to go left or right, such as right towards the dips**t who moved slightly to the side. "Hide behind something" most to all instances of my death to a vehicle involve the end of game areas, usually in an open field. If there are any more comments that would like to give viable tips, they would be appreciated.