Recommendations for below RM2500 phone that can last for at least 4 years?
Today, another green line appeared on my phone which makes it a whopping total of 7 lines now on my screen. Bought this phone in March 2021, was hoping to at least use it until March next year, but now another green line appeared, reducing my screen visibility even further. So I think I need to buy a new phone asap. Which phone would you recommend that has these requirements:
Budget: Max RM2500, though around RM2000 is preferable.
No "green lines" or "pink lines" or whatever color lines problem. Someone told me that there's no brand these days that do not have these problems, but surely, there's some brand and models that rarely has this problem?
A phone that can last me at least 4 years.
My current phone has fast charging (65W) so I would prefer to buy one that also has fast charging.
My current faulty phone is from OnePlus, so I'm now traumatised. No OnePlus phone please.
Thanks in advance.