Which Character Did You…

Start out hating or being really fucking annoyed by them and the ended up completely falling for them in the end?

Mine is Shadowheart. Hands down. Could not stand her, thought she talked way too much, and then stopped skipping her dialogue, got consumed by her background and now struggle to romance anyone else on my playthroughs, even when I go into it with the specific mindset that I am absolutely not gonna romance her again.

Which was yours?

Start out hating or being really fucking annoyed by them and the ended up completely falling for them in the end?

Mine is Shadowheart. Hands down. Could not stand her, thought she talked way too much, and then stopped skipping her dialogue, got consumed by her background and now struggle to romance anyone else on my playthroughs, even when I go into it with the specific mindset that I am absolutely not gonna romance her again.

Which was yours?