An AIP win!

This year I suddenly had a huge spike in inflammation. My ESR (sed rate) went from 5 to 80 in the span of a few months, I had terrible leg pain, and my blood work showed additional inflammation that could have pointed towards something autoimmune. I had lost my health insurance at the same time, so I was sort of left to my own devices to figure out how to handle this. I came across AIP on the lipedema forum, and figured now is as good a time as ever to try. Here's my timeline:

June 1: 80 sed rate, terrible leg pain that came and went. Started eating a general anti inflammatory diet, but still ate gluten, dairy, soy, nuts, etc regularly

August 30: Repeat bloodwork. Sed rate 29, still having pain. Had other concerning results like a positive rheumatic factor and other inflammatory markers. Started AIP in the middle of September

October 9: Repeat bloodwork. Sed rate 6!!!! Other inflammatory markers are now normal. Still waiting on some other immune tests to come in but overall feeling better. Still have a little leg pain and I'm bloated as hell all the time. But I'm so happy my bloodwork is looking good. Been low on B12 since January so started taking a supplement which may help the leg pain and feet tingling.

Since my inflammation is so much lower now, I'm happy to reintroduce starting next week, which will be four completed weeks of AIP. Black pepper here I come!