DAE get along with children because they don't baby them like NT women seem to?

I never want to have kids, and one of the reasons is that I see children as friends, not offspring that I must care for. As a teenager, a lot of girls I hung out with were under 10 years old. They were usually little cousins or little sisters of my "friends". Most little boys are hyper and loud, so I usually gravitate towards little girls. I interacted with them like I would with kids my own age, because that was all I knew how to do. It seems like other girls would talk to them in a high pitched baby voice and hold their hand and stuff. I've never done any of that, it just... isn't my thing. I like hanging out with older children because they cry less. If I'm hanging out with a kid and they cry, I have NO idea what to do, I just stand there awkwardly and wait for someone else to comfort them. I don't have that "nurturing" instict. That's probably why I really don't like babies. I don't think I've held a baby since my little brother was born, and even then I remember my mom made me and I didn't want to. I also physically cannot handle the sound of babies and children crying because of my sensory issues. But once they hit the toddler stage, I stop getting intimidated by them, but as soon as they throw a tantrum, I'm outta here.