A bacon roll, from a catering trailer in the garden of Jeremy Clarkson's new pub, is £7.50, do you think this is fair or extortion?

A friend took his motorbike out for a solo ride on Sunday and decided to swing by "The Farmer's Dog". He got there around 10.40am and there was already a queue of 'at least 300 or 400' people waiting outside the closed pub door. He decided to go into the garden and there is a huge massive marquee selling (very overpriced) Diddly Squat stuff as well as a catering trailer called "The Farmer's Puppy". From here he bought the bacon roll. It was just a brioche bun with 3 rashers of very greasy bacon. For some reason Clarkson has banned ketchup so no tomato sauce or even brown sauce available. He said he's had better bacon rolls from roadside catering vans for £3. Do you think £7.50 is a blatant rip off or not?

Edit to add: Gosh over 800 comments in 8 hours and I was expecting a few dozen. I read most of them, so thank you.

To clear up some confusion, Diddly Squat, as a farm shop, must sell local goods that come from within a certain radius of the shop. Or it will be shut down. His pub though, like every other pub in the UK, can sell goods sourced from anywhere in the world. So he's free to get lobsters/crabs from Alaska, Wagyu beef from Japan, ostrich from Timbuctoo and T-shirts/sweaters from China. However he has decided to only sell British items. Here is a picture of a notice board outside the pub and catering trailer https://imgur.com/a/SXPOqfd