Seducing women is exhausting, socializing in general is exhausting. How do I learn to like it again?
I'm 24, I haven't dated or done anything with women in 3 years since my last relationship, and since then I've been way too demotivated to try.
I get that there might be a stigma against "seduction", I don't mean like picking up girls for a one night stand. But just the whole flirting/dating process even with a girl I like, is exhausting for me.
I'm semi-decent looking, and when I go out I see girls that might be open to me flirting with them. Like at a local concert they might find ways to stand next to me, steal glances at me, or whatever. Nothing concrete or obvious, so there's always the "risk" that is exhausting itself.
But then there's the whole persona I know I would have to put on, because as a man I literally have to sell myself as a product to get women interested. I would have to be adventurous and outgoing, funny and exciting, charismatic and extroverted. I would have to play up my interests, act like I'm super passionate about my music and art, act like it's really deep and complex, even though I just do them because they're fun. Or act like the fact I can ride horses is really cool and interesting so they will think that as well.
In reality, I don't give a shit about these things. They're just things I do, yet they all have to be measured up to judge my "value" compared to everyone else, so I better act like I'm super cool. I would rather talk about random shit, like how I miss Top Gear, or how my boss is kind of a psycho, or how hard it is to remember to eat my vitamins every day. But that will lose their interest so fast, unless maybe I speak with a zaney voice like I'm on disney channel.
It's exhausting. I've always felt this way honestly and it's probably why I have so many issues with dating and bitterness toward people. Also, I'm realizing this is just a socializing issue in general, albeit worse with women. So idk what to do about this and I don't see it getting better any time soon.
I guess, how do I become more "fun" without forcing/faking it?