Raised creatinine and electrolytes in levels normal.
Age 11
Sex male
Height 5,5
Weight unsure
Race white British
Duration of complaint 5 months plus
Location London, uk
Any existing relevant medical issues autism/complex motor tics
Current medications none
Include a photo if relevant
My child has been unwell more often than not in the last 5 months. I took him to the GP initially was given antibiotics for a chest infection however he continued unwell so returned and bloods ordered. The first labs showed raised creatinine and electrolyte levels so a repeat was requested with instruction to drink extra water incase it was dehydration. Again they came back raised and a urine sample was requested and sent off to the lab. This came back within normal range. The GP now says there's no further action needed but I can't shake that he's been unwell for such an extended period of time, including toileting issues (wetting himself) and having two lots of bloods show a raised level. He's constantly full of flu, complaining of headaches regularly, fatigue, aches and muscle cramps, he's generally pale however far paler with dark eyes and his concentration has gone to pot. He also suffered seven nose bleeds over two days and the whites of his eyes were pink for the following week which the GP isn't concerned about either. Am I right in thinking this should be explored further?