In your part of Canada, is there an anti-american sentiment growing?

We’ve always made fun of americans in a light hearted way the same way they’ve made fun of us, but this is the first time i’ve seen a real hatred towards americans in my province. We’ve always accepted them as our closest friends and allies and even with these recent trump threats, i didn’t expect it to go so far that most people here genuinely hate them. Of course i understand why, it’s just a huge shock.

I’m curious if it’s like this in your part of Canada as well? or if you’re seeing a different effect? Tia

edit: probably should’ve added that i’m in ns. we’ve always been pretty historically patriotic canadians/loyal to the crown.

edit 2: i asked canadians, not americans. i understand a lot of you guys aren’t happy with how your fellow americans voted, but this question is towards canadians on a sub meant for asking questions to canadians for canadians to answer. we’ve all seen the same “i’m american but i didn’t vote for trump” stuff everywhere, you’re being ignorant and not even trying to understand us.