Just finished the first meeting with my Supervisor and feeling a little deflated.

Is it quite normal to feel deflated after a meeting? I'm studying for an MRes in History Part-Time with an eye to take my studies further in the future with a PhD.

I understand it's (very) early days and that this feeling is probably all part of the research process. Still, it's good to talk about it!

I want to take my research down one route that will be accompanied with my passion and interest for the topic but may be more difficult to execute in the long run due to a stronger emphases on theory and scattered primary source material.

My Supervisor suggested utilising this robust and quite large primary source I've identified which is not related to the topic I find most interesting.

I want to take on board their advice if it means an overall stronger thesis with originality and potential adaption into a PhD. At the same time I am worried without passion for the topic I'll hit the wall and will struggle to persevere.

Anyway I'm remaining positive! Thanks for reading and I am interested to hear how the rest of you have felt in your early day conversations about research projects with your supervisors.