Does art need to have a purpose?
I’m a musician, photographer and graphic designer.
For the past year, every time I pick up my camera, guitar or start designing ; I ask myself what am I doing this for?
Money, attention, admiration?
From 19-24 taking photos, writing music and designing clothes this was never something I would consciously think about. I have read “Turning Pro” and The War of Art by Steven Pressfield and I think both of them are amazing.
I’m having trouble coming to terms with why I create.
One of my close friends told me you’re an artist your work will help people. Is it egotistical and hubristic to believe that?
Taking photos has become my job, when Im creating graphics I always think how will I market this piece of clothing and when I write songs I think will anyone even listen to this and what will people think of it.
If anyone has any advice, similar experiences or would be willing to chat it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,