EMERGENCY-please help!!
I messed up, badly and my fish may be dying. So I had gotten a new filter for my 10 gallon tank because the one that came with my kit wasn’t very good. I took the old filter cartridge out of the old one and put it in the new one. I believe that caused an ammonia spike, I tested my water and it was higher. So I did a 30% ish water change. I added too much prime to the tank and the new water and my fish are now skimming the surface, gasping for air. I turned the filter flow up so it was breaking the surface to try and get the water oxygenated again and went to bed hoping they’d be better in a few hours.
This morning they are still hovering at the surface, gasping, and they look red around the gills. I tested the water again and ammonia is still down from the water change. My Pygmy corys and my two amano shrimp seem fine, but my 7 minnows are getting worse. I fear they may die. What can I do to save them? Should I change the water again? Im absolutely in shambles and don’t know what to do. The water seems to have become much more oxygenated over night and the ammonia is down but they are getting worse not better. Please help me!! I don’t want to lose my fish…