OCD and Driving

I turned 20 a few months ago and started getting really bad OCD. Long story short, I've been seeing a psychiatrist and counselor and am currently taking 20mg of Prozac a day.

My OCD flares up mostly in the cases of driving. A few months ago I kept having "hit and run" OCD, when I kept believing I was hitting a pedestrian with my car. And even sometimes I have thoughts that I'm hitting other cars. It's gotten better over the past couple months since I've been on the medication but it still comes up every now and then. I know this is absurd and I try to remind myself that if I had hit someone or something with my car, I would've known it. I just fear that I am accidentally hurting someone and not knowing it and just leaving them in the street. I don't do any of the outward compulsions like driving back to the scene or retracing my steps, but I do a lot of playback in my head throughout the day.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has dealt with this type of OCD/anxiety, regarding driving and hitting things, and what they have done to cope with the thoughts or manage them. Thanks.