Hantavirus Scare

I recently found mouse droppings on my kitchen countertop which led to me setting a mouse trap and catching the mouse. I disposed of the droppings and the mouse, but after looking up how hantavirus is transmitted I have terrible anxiety. Hantavirus is only transmitted through deer mice, which is what I caught. It is more likely in the western states, and I live in California, which is one of the most likely states it can be found. Vacuuming/picking up the droppings wrong can spread the virus into the air, which I didn’t know at first. I wore an N-95 mask when cleaning, but there was a lot of droppings I didn’t know about so the air could have been contaminated for a while now. I’m not showing any symptoms, but the fact that they can show anywhere from a week to 8 weeks after exposure is making me so anxious. Especially with how the virus has no cure or real treatment, and a fairly high mortality rate. I’ve been trying to reassure myself by looking at other people talk about their scares, but they’re all in New York or nowhere near the west coast, or they didn’t actually have a deer mouse. I know the chances are so incredibly low, but the fact that there is a chance at all and all the possible transmissions have checked out is leaving me with little reassurance. And it’s killing me that all I can do is wait and see. I don’t want to be the tiny percent that falls victim to this virus, and I don’t like my luck with odds and chance. I need to sleep :(

Update (July 2023): I’ve since long passed the time window for symptoms to show and am in the clear. For anyone else experiencing this, it helps to talk it out with someone and research just how likely you are to contract the virus depending on your region.

The reality for everyone is the likelihood of infection is incredibly low, especially when it comes down to the number of cases per counties wherever you live.

You will be perfectly fine.

To avoid future encounters, it is important to keep your homes, vehicles, or other potential areas clean and free from anything that could attract these mice.

The method you use to cleanup is incredibly important in avoiding any possible infection. Spray areas with bleach or other disinfectant, wipe up the area clean while wearing gloves and an N95 mask and dispose of everything properly. DO NOT VACCUM OR SWEEP UP FECES.

Thank you to everyone who helped me out through this, I appreciate you all and I hope you are all well.