You really can’t seek help in the military

Throwaway because people watch my account. I’ll keep it short, I’m commissioning in a few months after being enlisted for 6 years. I was pretty excited and I dropped an afsc that made me go for the PRP screening stuff. Well, I got dropped and reclassed into a different job because I failed the screening. Upside? The job I got reclassed into is also pretty great so really I’m happy with both outcomes. The downside? Well I found out why I got dropped and reclassed.

See before I started my commissioning process I was coming off my second deployment. My then ex-wife was an unfaithful spouse and cheating on me. I had no idea what to do, she was leaving me for another man, my world was falling apart and the family we had worked on building together for 8 years was coming apart and nothing I could do would save it. My closest family was thousands of miles away so I was all by myself. So I sought counseling to help me navigate the marital issues, the divorce and the emotional grief afterwards.

For clarification, I was never diagnosed with anything. I was never prescribed any medicine. I was never assigned an official doctor/psychiatrist/therapist. I purely went for counseling sessions. And it was enough to get me canned before I even started the training pipeline.

Just makes me angry beyond belief. I remember a tech sgt in my org who finally got her dream orders to Hawaii and her orders were dropped because of her depression. I have a friend in my commissioning program who’s facing getting dropped because he sought mental help once as an airman. Same boat as me, no diagnosis, no docs, no meds. Like I don’t know what the Air Force wants from me. Am I supposed to just smile and wave while the love of my life rails another man? I’m so fucking sorry I needed help overcoming one of the biggest hurdles that life can throw at you. And I sure as hell wasn’t gonna waltz into my shirts office and go “Hey bro you want to hear about how I was alone on Christmas while my wife was banging Jodie?”

I’m frustrated beyond belief. Again, silver lining. I love both jobs. I’m just mad that it’s affected my career trajectory.