I thought I wanted male validation. Now that I have it, I don’t want it at all.
Okay long story but basically i grew up being ugly. I would always get ignored by men. If i’m out with my friends men run to speak to them & ignore me completely. It made me feel some type of way i guess insecure, & ugly. I knew the main reason men avoided me was because i was of a bigger size & I wasn’t even that fat but i guess that was a big no no. So like everyone & their mama i started taking ozempic last year. It works. I drastically lost so much weight & guess what? All of a sudden men have interest in me. I am alwayyyys getting approached in public, in trains , at work etc. Since i was insecure i thought male validation would help me feel better & pretty. Instead i discovered i still feel ugly even with the weight loss+ now i’m just scared for my safety cause so many weird men come up to me & put me in uncomfortable scary situations. Any advice for me :(