I lied to my boyfriend about my body count because I’m afraid he’d see me as less. Should I tell him?

I just turned 21 and my bf and I met about 6 months ago. When we first started talking, he asked me what my body count was because he had brought up, that he’s only had sex a couple of times with one person. I told him mine was 3. My body count is actually 15 including him. I was very impulsive and promiscuous in high school and didn’t really think anything of it back then. The more older i get, the more I feel ashamed about it. I’m not sure if he’s the type of guy to start treating me differently because of it. Especially because he’s only had sex with one person, and has most likely never experienced having meaningless sex with someone or wanted to. I’m not sure what to do. Nobody knows my body count except me. Should I keep it to myself?