Comment on Plushie Dreadfuls' ARFID Bunny

I had read that there has been some questionable conduct in the past from the PD folks, but I saw in this sub a few weeks ago someone posted the ARFID bunny from PD and I HAD to buy it for my daughter (12) who has been symptomatic since birth.

I just have to say that this bunny is absolutely adorable! My daughter just got home from school and the first thing she did after I gave it to her was give me a huge hug and have a cry on my shoulder, because it made her feel SEEN and not like a 'freak'.

Now, I can't claim to know how it feels to have ARFID, but I do see how it affects my daughter and I try to bring awareness whenever I can. For making this bunny, and the effect that it has/had, I have to at least give some thanks and credit.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that the ARFID bunny is absolutely worth it IMO and I hope you all are doing well! Thanks for coming to my TED talk.