Why on Earth did they pick the cycle that was "rigged" for a guy to win to cast some of the strongest females
And some of the weakest males.
I mean come on, Ivy, Shei, Lenox (even though her body wasn't great), and Chantelle on the same cycle. Even Kari's look was pretty strong. Raelia's body was amazing but I can't say I thought she had a modelesque face sadly. I actually consider Ivy to be in top 10 most modelesque women in ANTM history, the literal only downside about her was she was 5'8.5" and she's sent home FIRST?!?!?! Although I will say I (even as a gay male) practically melted when Chantelle walked down the runway at casting in her bikini, she looked like such a goddess.
Personally I wish a guy winner happened the cycle before as I thought the cycle 20 men were much stronger looking than cycle 21's and the women weren't nearly as strong looking as cycle 21. And if they really wanted a guy winner at least cast the semi-finalist Zaquan from that cycle, who was literally perfection handed to them and had by far the most modelesque look IMO of any of the three cycles.
Edit: Rewatching and honestly replace Romeo, Matthew, Keith, and Denzel with Josh D., Zaquan, Mark, and Brandon and I could see a competition. I still think the women are overall stronger but at least it would've be as ridiculous of a blowout.
For that matter, I'd replace Mirjana and Raelia with Lindsay and Olay. Probably replace Kari with Uniqua also tbh.