Perioral Dermatitis Patch by mouth - help!
I have been dealing with PD for about a year and recently had a flair up (winter air/holiday stress, dip nails ??). I have this bad patch by my mouth and would like to avoid taking the antibiotics. Has anyone had luck with anything over the counter to clear up a small patch? I bought diaper cream (no luck), ordinary azelaic acid (helps elsewhere on face previously but not here). I have the Ominlux Men’s mask I’ve been using to try and help too. All tips appreciated!
I have been dealing with PD for about a year and recently had a flair up (winter air/holiday stress, dip nails ??). I have this bad patch by my mouth and would like to avoid taking the antibiotics. Has anyone had luck with anything over the counter to clear up a small patch? I bought diaper cream (no luck), ordinary azelaic acid (helps elsewhere on face previously but not here). I have the Ominlux Men’s mask I’ve been using to try and help too. All tips appreciated!