IGSAs and Impact on workload
Long story short, I work for a small HCA in DoN that focuses mostly on SAP supplies and services. Over the past 5-10 years our workload has plummeted due to our perceived inability to provide customers with timely service and sole source justifications for kbr, bah, etc for what are clearly simple professional services. Customers are identifying ways to use other agencies vehicles to bypass things we’d normally compete, set-aside, etc.
Recently the DoN opened up this igsa with Sourcewell out of Minnesota. It is being pitched as the alternative to “FAR” acquisitions that is outside the purview of GAO - as a feature. While I understand the frustration with our bureaucratic processes, using methods such as this seem like a sanctioned way to circumvent everything we are trained and mandated to do.
My questions in no particular order- does anyone have any experience with their workload being devastated by this? Was the customer able to shift to igsa even if they are existing on 8(a), ability one, etc. contracts?
How has the Army dealt with this?
Any other thoughts are appreciated.